Mentoring Programs for PSYCH-K® Facilitators

Group size will be kept to 12 to ensure rich opportunities for focus and expansion.
Completion of the Basic Workshop or the Online Level 1 Workshop
$695 + tax in Canadian Dollars
Deposit: $250 + tax CDN
Balance: $445 + tax CDN due 1 month prior
Dates: March 6 - April 10, 2024
Time: Wednesdays from 4pm – 5:30pm PST (Vancouver/LA time)
Location: Online via Zoom
Module 1
Welcome and Working with the
Power of Intention
Module 2
Overcoming Barriers, Challenges and Road Blocks: known and unknown
Module 3
Being an Isumataq:
the heart of a PSYCH-K session
Module 4
The Balancing Act:
the beginning, middle, end and...
Module 5
valuing your value
Module 6
Optimal Health and Wellbeing:
at work, home and play
Bonus Session: Date TBA
Spring 2024
It’s not just a new year but a new season.
Spring is about to emerge in the great white north and with it, an invitation to grow your PSYCH-K® practice, whether it’s just beginning to blossom or has already taken root.
Our dear friend Dr. Bruce Lipton talks about tending the garden, individually and collectively, communally and globally. The PSYCH-K® processes are the prefect tools for planting and growing beliefs of hope, peace and wellbeing
and PSYCH-K® Facilitators the ideal gardeners.
... If you feel called to be of greater service helping yourself and others to better navigate these shifting times,
... if you want to grow your PSYCH-K® practice easily and naturally,
... if your goal is to enjoy a harmonious life that balances work, home and play,
… if you’d like the support, practical guidance and creative ideas to do so,
this group mentoring program has been created for you!
We will gather online as a small group in an Isumataq space as your road blocks, solutions and wisdom are revealed.

During this mentoring program you will:
explore the areas of your PSYCH-K® practice, or the practice of PSYCH-K®, where you feel stuck or blocked
transform limiting programs so you can thrive as a PSYCH-K® Facilitator
plant and/or nurture your PSYCH-K® business so it can evolve and grow
create a foundation of beliefs and behaviours to support you personally and professionally
receive practical guidance and feedback from Sandra and your peers
be supported and inspired as you share, learn and transform within, and between, each session
facilitate PSYCH-K® sessions with greater ease, joy and confidence
belong to a genuine and authentic community

Feedback about the Mentoring Program above:
Sandra, once again my appreciation for, and growth from, working with you has been amazing. Each week you supplied us with inspiration as well as very specific processes to assist us in becoming even more exquisite PSYCH-K® facilitators. I was able to explore and practice these understandings with all of my partners - both from our course as well as in my own practice.
I think this program is like a master-class. To work with other PSYCH-K® Facilitators that have understanding (at different levels) is so helpful. It also establishes a safe, equal and inspiring sandbox to play in together. You created the Isumataq energy for this group - and it was palpable! Thank you!
Love, Kira
Mentoring Program for PSYCH-K® Facilitators
Tailored to Master Facilitation and Advanced Workshops
details and dates coming soon