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Chiron's Way: Lessons and Gifts from the Wounded Healer

Sandra Wallin

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

The lessons from the mythological centaur known as the wounded healer, a term coined by Carl Jung, are perhaps more timely than ever given the current state of our churning world, during what Chiron himself might call a collective wounding.

Philosopher, ecologist, shaman, teacher and an initiator of heroes into their destinies, Chiron became the father of complimentary medicine after an errant Herculean arrow struck him in the knee. He retreated to his cave on Mt. Pelion, in search of a cure for the wound that would not heal.

"The analyst must go on learning endlessly. A good half of every treatment that probes at all deeply consists in the doctor examining himself... it is his own hurt that gives a measure of his power to heal. This, and nothing else, is the meaning of the Greek myth of the wounded physician." ~ Carl Jung

Jung's colleague, Marie Louise Von Franz went on to say, “The wounded healer IS the archetype of the Self [our wholeness, the God within] and is at the bottom of all genuine healing procedures.”

For the astrologically minded, Chiron's placement in our birth chart points to our core wound, the theme of self-wounding, and a healing lesson that can take a lifetime to master. Understanding Chiron is a key to fulfilling our personal and collective destinies.

"The sighting of a new planet in our solar system … provides a metaphorical key to crucial trends arising from within the collective psyche." ~ Tony Joseph.

In her book Chiron, Barbara Hand Clow writes, "Where Chiron is in our astrological birth chart is where we find our core psychological wound. It’s what we pick at, hide from, and pains us. It is also the bridge we cross from antiquity to the present, through transitional times, from our wounded to our loved self. An engaged study of your own Chiron can illuminate both practical tools and ways to release limiting beliefs about ourselves, the people in our lives, and the world at large. Yes, it is that profound."

As a centaur, Chiron's lessons help us integrate core qualities of the horse; a connection to the earth, the somatic, the instinctual, and the powerful subconscious ~ and the human; the conscious mind, the intellect, creative innovation and thought.

Chiron shows us how to become an integrated and total being, bridging instinct and intellect with intuition so we can become far more than the sum of our parts. He invites us to say yes to the mysterious and painful places within ourselves so we can embark upon a journey of authentic metamorphosis.

If so, Dr. Sharon Forrest and I, along with the Chiron's Way Herd, look forward to welcoming you to a powerful journey of discovery and transformation!

Click Here to learn more about this beautiful experiential weekend, where you'll be invited by Dr. Sharon, Sandra, and the Chiron's Way herd, to journey with them into the Healing Sanctuary of the Centaur's Cave to...

  • mine the wisdom in the depths of our wounds,

  • find beauty in the places we've been broken,

  • discover the purpose of the bumps and jostles we've encountered while making our way in the world,

  • embody peace and serenity while in the company of horses

  • create a healing-horse talisman to take with you on your journey

By working through and finding these inner and sometimes hidden strengths, every life we touch benefits by example. This is true heroism and one of the wounded healer’s greatest gifts.

​~ healing with horses ~ energy medicine ~

~ belief alchemy ~ metamorphosis ~

~ kinship & creativity ~

September 18-19, 2021 at Chiron's Way in

Maple Ridge, CANADA

"Stay no longer at the entrance to my cave, for healing waits not there."

~ Chiron

Learn More About Dr. Sharon, Sandra and the Chiron's Way Herd

The mischievously humorous Dr. Sharon is a "life transformer," Founder of 2 research hospitals, and the founder and director of The Forrest Foundation for Effective Living, Dr. Forrest is also the originator of Path of the Heart, Sanctuary of Universal Love and Sacred Journeys, plus Co-Founder of Healthways International and the Center of Integrated Medicine. A hands-on-healer/medical intuitive since early childhood, Sharon has the gift of enthusiastically blending spirituality, science and healing with love and laughter. She effortlessly presents the powerful connection between the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. Learn more at

Sandra Wallin has been learning from horses her entire life, but it wasn’t until her horses Grace and Chiron arrived that her apprenticeship truly began. Sandra claims Grace has taught her to be a better person and Chiron is teaching her to be a better horse, and as she learns, so she teaches, in her Equine Guided Programs at Chiron’s Way.

A sought after presenter and teacher, transformational psychotherapist and ecopsychologist, Sandra is a lifelong learner who respectfully credits horses as being her greatest teachers. She's been invited to teach and lecture around the world alongside thought leader scientists like Candace Pert and at the request of her friend Dr. Bruce Lipton, has taught belief change programs inside maximum security prisons, helping men serving life sentences break free from the prison of their limiting beliefs.

Like Dr. Sharon, Sandra is known for her quick wit, inspiring stories and warm-hearted approach. Together, they are like Chiron - far more than the sum of their parts.

To Meet the Chiron's Way Herd - please CLICK HERE

For the Chiron's Way Workshop Page - please CLICK HERE


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