Professional Training in
Equine Facilitated Wellness (EFW)

Professional Training Programs
Nature is calling…
Inviting you into the field of Equine and Nature Guided Wellness.
Are you ready to be naturally inspired?
Chiron’s Way has been offering nationally endorsed and internationally sponsored trainings for over twenty years, beginning in the public education system where Sandra, as a teacher and school counsellor, created the first school-based, equine guided program in Canada.
Trainings at Chiron’s Way take place on a little piece of heaven near Vancouver. Online and in-person options are available, allowing for participants to virtually join the fun from further afield and/or attend onsite, in nature’s classroom.
These Professional Trainings are for people who are interested in experiencing and learning how to teach, learn, lead, coach and counsel in the company of horses, other animals and nature, to support the growth and evolution of individuals, groups and teams.
Master the art of partnering with horses & nature in the field of human development
Learn unique and fun ways to revitalize your private or corporate practice
Catalyze the goal attainment of your clients, personal and professional
Work with the principles of Nature to create sustainable programs
Facilitate transformational sessions with equines and other animals
Unbridle your creativity while working in a career you love
Become certified in the field of Equine Facilitated Wellness through Pro-EFW
Why we use the word Guide...
Because horses, and other animals, do more that facilitate or assist, we honour them as respected guides in our Chiron's Way growth and development programs. EFW/AAT/NGW professionals listen to and follow the animal's input which is a key component in successful sessions.
The word guide means one who can find a path through unknown or unexplored territory, making horses invaluable members of the Equine Guided team.
LEVEL 1 Training
Explorations in
Equine Facilitated Wellness
This is the first step for anyone interested in facilitating Equine Guided Wellness(EGW)/Equine Facilitated Wellness (EFW) though it can also be taken by anyone feeling called to experience the growth opportunities and transformational guidance that horses - and Nature - share. This 2-day experiential workshop (plus additional distance learning components) is for those interested in exploring the possibility of adding a Horse as Teacher, Coach, or Healer to your existing or developing wellness practice.
Exploring Equine GuidedWellness is the foundational course of study at Chiron’s Way, equivalent to the Explorations Training in EFW for those wishing to follow the certification model outlined through the Professional Association of Equine Facilitated Wellness (Pro-EFW).
This workshop will provide an overview of the EFW field while introducing participants to its fundamental concepts, principles and considerations. It may be of special interest to those in an educational/mental health/human services field, to those in a leadership or corporate setting and to those who have experience working with equines. It is also available to anyone who wants to learn more about working and being WITH horses.
Participants will leave with a general understanding of the EFW field, of Pro-EFW's philosophy, principles, ethics and certification process and with knowledge about next steps should they wish to further develop their skills in this wonderful field.
This course is open to everyone. A manual will be provided.

Learning Objectives of the Explorations Workshop:
General understanding of Equine Facilitated and Nature Guided Wellness
Awareness of the history and foundation for these approaches
Increased sensitivity to the animals we work and live with, their needs and unique abilities
Appreciation and understanding of the perspective of the horse and all animals as sentient beings
Relationships - at the heart of all equine, animal and nature centric practices
The safety and risk management considerations in EFW and associated practices
An introduction to how EFW/NGW can be applied in individual, family and group environments
An introduction to how EFW/NGW can be applied with various client populations and needs
Introduction to the Pro-EFW training, mentoring and certification model and how this applies to candidates
An appreciation of the importance of always working within your scope of practice
Developing your personalized next steps for exploring the EFW/AAT/NGW field
Ideas of what you can do after completing the Explorations training
This Level 1 training is now being offered in 2 formats:
Format 1: ONLINE within a Group Cohort
Workshop topics will be covered through a blend of online discussions, assignments, presentations, demonstrations, recordings and videos. There will also be experiential exercises to complete at home - with horses if you are entering the Pro-EFW Certification.
This format will be delivered online through a Thinkific Classroom; an online portal where you can interact in discussion forums, view videos, read research articles, receive and resoond to weekly assignments. Additionally, you will meet with Sandra for live Zoom calls.
Dates: March 19, 26, April 2, and 9 with an Optional Post-Workshop Bonus Call April 16 OR
Jun 19, 26, July 2, and 9 with an Optional Post-Workshop Bonus Call July16
Times: 4-630 pm Pacific Time
Location: The Online Thinkific Classroom and 4 Live Zoom Calls
Tuition: Early Bird: $650 + gst otherwise $695 + gst
Format 2: ONLINE Self-Paced
Workshop topics will be covered through a blend of discussions, assignments, presentations, demonstrations, recordings and videos. There will be experiential exercises to complete at home - with horses if you are entering the Pro-EFW Certification.
This format will be delivered online through a Thinkific Classroom; an online portal where you can view videos, read research articles, receive and respond to weekly assignments. Additionally, you will meet with Sandra for two 1-1 calls,
one to start the program and antoher at its culmination.
Dates: Ongoing so email info@chironsway.com to get started.
Location: The Online Thinkific Classroom
Tuition: $650 + gst
LEVEL 2 & 3
Foundations and Focus Training in Equine Guided Wellness
Dancing With Equus
In a world that is looking beyond the status quo for personal and professional development, horses are leading the way. When you commit to working with Sandra and the Chiron's Way Herd, you will learn about and engage with the vast potential of partnering with horses, the accessibility of Equine and Nature Guided Wellness to a wide range of markets and how to identify and define your unique contribution to this beautiful field.
Dancing With Equus is an innovative facilitation program for anyone interested in honing their Equine and Nature Guided awareness and skills as well as for EGW
professionals such as wellness practitioners, coaches, counsellors, educators and equine professionals who want to:
Master the art of partnering with horses in the fields of personal and professional development
Incorporate reflective, active, creative and transformative equine and nature guided sessions into your existing programs and practice
Begin to apply non-verbal communication skills to deepen your connection and conversations with horses, nature, each other and yourself
Learn how to enliven EGW sessions with expressive and creative arts - a perfect compliment to all equine and nature guided programs
Incorporate innovative, research-based techniques that help people and animals engage in mutually supportive relationships
Use your own nervous systems to calm horses and other animal companions during stressful situations
Alleviate the perception of stress and/or trauma before they take a toll on your clients, you and the animals you work with
Be introduced to Sandra's Conscious Horsemanship and its applications
How to use the subconscious to become more horse conscious
Balance the skills and creativity required to facilitate transformational EGW sessions and programs
Work with proximity, space and energetic boundaries
Speak the language of emotion while going deeper than words
Exercise your intuition and become more versatile in your approach to individuals, teams and herds
Help clients move quickly, easily and joyfully toward the attainment of their goals
Create a safe environment for learning, sharing and growing
Get up every day knowing the work you do is making a difference in the world
Dance With Equus!

The 2024 Foundations and Focus Training
will be offered back-to-back through a blend of online learning, home study and in-person elements and experiential practices.
Foundations will begin with Online and Home Study leading into 2.5 days In-Person at Chiron's Way.
Foundations Online Dates: July 24, 31, and August 7 from 4 - 630 pm PST
Foundations In-person Dates: August 14-16, 2024 from 10:00 am - 5:30 pm each day
Focus will begin with 2.5 days In-Person at Chiron's Way followed by Online and Home Study.
Focus In-person Dates: August 16-18, 2024 from 10:00 am - 5:30 pm each day
Focus Online Dates: August 21, 28 and September 4 from 4 - 630pm PST
Location: Online via Zoom and In-person at Chiron's Way in Maple Ridge - near Vancouver, Canada
Tuition:$1750 + gst for each week = $3500 + gst by June 24/$3650 thereafter
*Previous exposure to or training in equine guided work is a prerequisite for this training,
such as the Level 1 Exploring EGW Training at Chiron’s Way, the Pro-EFW Explorations Training, or equivalent.
**If you have not studied with Sandra previously, a phone meeting is required prior to acceptance into this training.
This course meets the requirements toward certification with the Professional Association for Equine Facilitated Wellness Canada (Pro-EFW).
LEVEL 4 Training
EFW Integration Week
1. Completion of the approved Professional Association of Equine Facilitated Wellness' (Pro-EFW) Explorations and Focus Trainings.
2. Completion of fifteen (15) hours of direct client contact practicing EFW either with individuals or groups and two (2) hours of mentorship with a Pro-EFW Mentor.
3. Participants must be a Pro-EFW Certification Candidate. Non-certification candidates may be considered at the discretion of the individual trainer. If a non-certification candidate completes Integration Training and then decides at a later date to pursue Pro-EFW's Certification, they may need to complete Integration Training again.
4. A written draft of the trainee’s Scope of Practice and Personal Progress Plan.
Learning Objectives:
1. Review and confirm solid understanding of EFW principals and philosophies including those regarding role of the horse, safety, and ethics and their application to the participant’s professional work and practice in the EFW field.
2. To deepen understanding of the theoretical model applied by the individual trainer and its integration with EFW. Specific learning objectives within this area will vary with the approach being taught and at Chiron’s Way those will focus on integrating expressive therapies and modalities into equine guided programs and how to facilitate an EABC session (Equine Assisted Belief Change) including applications for transforming stress and trauma - past, present and future..
3. To deepen and develop applied understanding of the theoretical model (see #2 above) to EFW work through discussion, practice and case examples with different populations and different formats in accordance with the trainees Scope of Practice.
4. To create, prepare, introduce, facilitate and debrief practice sessions within participant’s individual Scope of Practice.
5. Further exploration (through discussion, case examples and practice) of an appropriate horsemanship approach applied by the individual trainer (training team) and its integration with EFW and Pro-EFW philosophies and principals - this is often completed in Focus Training Week 3.
6. Further development and/or completion of a Scope of Practice and a Personal Progress Plan.
Dates: August 11-14, 2025 (Registration Closes June 11)
Location: Chiron's Way in Maple Ridge - 45 min east of Vancouver, Canada
Tuition: $1600 + gst Early Bird by May 11 /$1750 + gst thereafter