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"Not all minds that wander are lost."
- Sandra Wallin (lovingly inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien)

Sandra Wallin
May 15, 2020
The Power of Now - Getting Present/Presence With Horses
Just like our beautiful subconscious mind, horses experience the world in present time and through the language of the senses. Whenever...

Sandra Wallin
Mar 26, 2020
The Sounds in Silence
The Art in Horse Series: How Horses Help Humans Become Their Own Masterpiece Lovingly re-shared after original publication in the Horses...

Sandra Wallin
Jan 22, 2020
Invitation from a New Decade
Here we are dear friends, looking out at a new decade. It's standing right in front of us, inviting our intentions and asking for our...

Sandra Wallin
Dec 12, 2019
Coming to Life in the Dead Sea
Coming to Life in the Dead Sea. A Desert Spirit Retreat... Wadi Rum ~ Petra ~ Dead Sea with Sandra Wallin and Sandra Jelly

Jun 18, 2017
Chiron Likes Bon Jovi
How our beliefs, perceptions, health and wellbeing can affect that of the animals we share our lives with.

John O'Donohue
Jun 1, 2017
From Animal Being
The Art of Equus - Ireland was a colourful success. Amazing new friends who are passionate about growing their equine guided programs in...

Sandra Wallin
Apr 19, 2017
Maya Angelou on Grandmothers
I shall not be moved... I went to hear - though it became quickly evident it would be more about FEEL - Maya Angelou speak at a Unique...

Mar 21, 2017
The Grace in Grief
2017 has offered up one loss after another, and I am not alone in my account. For my part, the messages have been profound though not neces

Sandra & Carlos Castaneda
Mar 16, 2017
Castaneda on Paths
"Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask yourself this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the...

David Abram
Mar 13, 2017
David Abram on Language
"Only as the written text began to speak would the voices of the forest, and of the river, begin to fade. And only then would language...

Jan 3, 2017
Kicking BUTS in 2017
How often have you said, or heard someone say... I’d really like to take a vacation but I just can’t afford it. I wish I had more time to...

Dec 31, 2016
The End of the Year
The turning of one year into the next is always a time of contemplation for me. I often imagine the past year as a dear friend and ask if...

Sandra Wallin
Dec 25, 2016
Desmond Tutu on Belonging
A quick preview of what Christmas dinner will be like tonight with family and friends jammed round the table with those present - and...

Sandra Wallin
Dec 21, 2016
Anais Nin on Risk
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anais Nin #AnaisNin #Risk...

Sandra Wallin
Dec 19, 2016
Hepburn on Holding On
At this time of year, or any... "The best thing to hold on to is each other." - Audrey Hepburn

Sep 21, 2016
Feeling the Rain
Here on the "wet" coast of Canada, we get lots of practice - FEELING. #Feeling #Rain #Acceptance #Nature #WestCoast
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